COVID Update
Good morning Parents!
I hope you are doing well and praising the Lord for His goodness. Regardless of all the evil we see abounding around us, never forget that God loves you and He is still in charge.
I want to give you an update as I promised in Tuesday's email.
On Monday, when that email was drafted, we had several ill with symptoms. Since that time, more individuals have come down with symptoms and others have tested positive during this week. We understand the urgency of the situation and the need to extend virtual instruction a bit longer than we had intended. We want those who are ill to fully recover and to limit the possibility of more exposure. So, we are extending the virtual instruction for one more week. We are praying that will reduce the number of staff and students getting sick and will allow us to have the needed teachers in place when we re-open our doors.
Our hope and plan is to re-open in-person learning at school on January 25, 2021.
Your children’s teachers will be in touch, soon, with a schedule of when classes will be held and what assignments will be due for next week. We again are asking that students with symptoms continue to stay home until they are completely recovered. Please follow the advice from your physician.
Students who have been around persons who have tested positive must stay away from school the required 10 days, from the time of contact with that individual, and they must remain symptom free.
I believe most everyone has come to the school and received their books. If you still need school materials, you are welcome to come by between 8 A.M. and 4 P.M. each day except Monday, January 18. All offices will be closed for the MLK holiday.
The basketball season is still on hold for next week. The game with Fairfax Baptist Temple has been rescheduled for February 4 with the same game times. Other games will be re-scheduled as we are able to make contact with schools and coordinate with their calendars. Please be aware that we are trying very hard to keep the basketball season going.
Please don’t forget to mark the calendar dates we have changed for school. March 5, 18, 19,and 26 will now be regular days of school.
May I share a concern and encourage more parental oversight?
Obviously our world is changing faster than we can even imagine. I would ask that you, as parents, be extremely cautious and oversee your children’s activities on the internet/ social media. Our young people can be exposed to so many things that are dangerous and that put them at risk and they often do not have the maturity and discernment to know how to handle themselves. We must be wise and involved parents who are overseeing what our children are viewing/saying via social media. I would strongly suggest that you review, often, what your child is involved in and that you have their passwords to all sites. As we know, evil abounds!
Therefore we must be wise in supervising our children's involvement – including the language they use. I find it difficult to read some of their communications, because they write a shorthand version which their peers understand. I would encourage the use of proper English and spelling so that poor habits are not established in their lives. I say this, not because I want to be able to read their communications, but because, very often, those poor writing habits appear in their assignments which make correcting their work very difficult! Just a word to the wise.
Thanks for reading and thanks for the continued prayers. We need and appreciate each one!